Digital Marketing Trends 2021

Essential Digital Marketing Trends for all Businesses That Want to Thrive in 2021 Beyond


Digital marketing trends – There was a time when aspects like data-driven marketing, AI (artificial intelligence), chatbots, and VSO (voice search optimization) were nothing less than ambitious ideas bordering on doubts and anticipations. Today, as we pass through 2021, these ideas and concepts are among the top digital marketing strategies that have become top priorities for surviving and thriving businesses to stand out from their competitors.

No matter how small or big, all businesses want to have a competitive edge while they struggle to reach the top positions of SERPs and adapt to the constantly evolving online landscape. Technology is evolving rapidly, and with a major shift in consumer behavior, each business is threatened by Digital Darwinism.

While creating a digital strategy with Abstract Digital sounds like the perfect thing to do to many business owners, it is equally important to discover and integrate essential digital marketing trends for all businesses that want to thrive and stand out in their niche in today’s age of innovation. Read on to learn more!

Voice Search Optimization:

  • The boost of voice search has also found its way to the essential digital marketing strategies for 2021 and beyond. Unsurprisingly, as we move towards a touchless/ contactless society (much of which is the result of the pandemic), voice searches have gone upwards by up to 50% (starting from 2020).

  • It is speculated that by the end of 2022, half of the world’s population will own smart speakers, thus, making voice-activated searches an integral part of their daily lives. It is predicted that due to an increase in VSEO, the trend of voice shopping will be at the peak by the end of 2022. The general idea is that people will be causally using voice search soon, so businesses should integrate the VSEO in their digital marketing strategies to maintain their competitive stance in the online landscape.
Also Read  What is SEO?

AI (Artificial Intelligence):

  • By 2021, most of us have already recognized the dominance of AI prevailing worldwide, including businesses and digital marketing strategies. Look at the simple jobs of the patrolling of parking lots and residential areas, for example. The K5 Knightscope robots have replaced humans as the robots assess license plates, collect crucial data, and even report criminal activity.

  • The best part about integrating AI (artificial intelligence) in your business digital marketing strategies is that it is cost-effective and makes space for one of the greatest commercial opportunities for businesses that are serious about boosting their GDP. Any latecomers businesses that are neglecting AI right now will sooner or later find themselves at a gravely disadvantaged spot for the upcoming years.

Interactive Content:

  • Today people are looking for a better and more dynamic customer experience, which is why businesses can expect the interactive content marketing strategy to be trending on number one soon in 2021 and beyond. What is the number one thing that potential customers keep looking for?

  • The right answer is that they want instant access and an immersive experience, which they can get with interactive content. While moving away from the conventional text-based content, digital marketers will soon be integrating engaging content to the business websites, including augmented reality ads, polls, riddles, embedded calculators, etc.

    Since the interactive content is more engaging and personal, it makes the audience feel connected and involved with the brands, leading to a boost in sales and revenue.

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